4 Weeks to

Fearless &


Group Coaching Programme

A 4 week journey that will deepen your self-awareness, reframe your fears & increase your sense of wellbeing.

Join this small but perfectly formed COACHING & LEARNING POD & experience the TRANSFORMATIONAL effect of GROUP COACHING.

Our 4 Week Journey towards Fearless & Flourishing.

  • Demystifying the Mind.

    To kick off Week 1, we’ll explore how our subconscious mind truly works. You’ll be amazed at just how much of the show it actually runs without us even knowing! This won’t be a science class, I promise - but I will share the foundations for better understanding how you tick. When I was first introduced to some of this information, my mind was well & truly blown!

  • Facing Fear.

    In Week 2, we continue building our self awareness and this session, it’s all about uncovering the fears that are holding you back from what you truly want in life. However your fear manifests itself, we’ll learn what limiting beliefs lie beneath our fears, how they got there & then I’ll share how you can replace those beliefs with more empowering ones that better serve the person you want to be. I’ll also give you the antidote to fear and what you can practically do to get past your fears.

  • Finding Flourishing.

    Now, in Week 3, it’s time to layer on some positive psychology to the self awareness we’ve been developing! Honestly, this is one of my favourite parts of this programme and possibly one of my favourite topics in general! This week we’ll explore what ‘flourishing’ is and focus on how to proactively build more wellbeing into our daily lives. A great way to build some intentional & supportive habits for 2022. After all, life isn’t just about surviving, it should be about thriving!

  • Reflection & Integration.

    Week 4 came around quick! Learning is great & I hope that in the first 3 weeks you learn a ton! But how do we move from ‘knowing better’ to actually ‘doing better’? Integrating the insights we will discover along the way and making changes can be super challenging - trust me, I know the struggle! But with the support of this amazing pod, we will close out our time together understanding how to make successful, sustainable change & maintain momentum into the new year and beyond!


What are the details?

  • 4 sessions over 4 weeks

  • 75 - 90 mins per session

  • Small, consistent group

  • You’ll gain specific KNOWLEDGE so you can understand yourself on a whole new level & will learn TOOLS/ TECHNIQUES to work through your fears & incorporate more flourishing into your life

  • This progrramme runs 3 times a year, so save your space for the next cohort!

What’s the investment?

  • £350 for the 4 sessions

  • Includes a detailed workbook to take away & refer back to, journalling prompts & a guided meditation

What will the sessions look like?

  • Blend of:

    • Lecture style learning (sharing concepts from neuroscience, behavioural change & positive psychology)

    • Interactive exercises

    • Group coaching & sharing

    • Personal reflection & journalling

Can I buy an individual session?

  • Unfortunately no, the sessions build on each other so you’ll only feel the full benefits of the course by attending all the modules

  • With group coaching, the dynamic works best with a cohort that remains together for the entirety of the journey

  • But feel free to explore the personal 1 on 1 life coaching sessions if that might be a better fit

Is Group Coaching for Me?

I LOVE group coaching! Let me tell you why…

  • THE GROUP ENERGY IS AMAZING - every group creates its own slightly unique dynamic depending on the participants but group coaching tends to feel uplifting, supportive & action oriented

  • ACCELERATED LEARNING & RESULTS - because you get to hear multiple perspectives & experiences, your own thinking is challenged in a really organic way, helping you absorb & integrate the insights quicker. Essentially more brains = more power!

  • DEEPER SELF AWARENESS - listening to & participating in the group will help you see beyond your own interpretation of the world & the limits you may be putting on yourself

  • MOMENTUM - group coaching tends to build pace quickly & the group is there to hold each other accountable. Think of it as peer pressure, but the positive kind!

  • MORE AFFORDABLE & ACCESSIBLE - way to experience coaching

“Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less”.

Marie Curie

Are you ready to take the first step towards Fearless & Flourishing?