About Me


As well as a decade spent coaching corporate leaders in FTSE 100 companies, I am also a certified:

  • Life & Success Coach

  • Positive Psychology Practitioner

  • Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner

  • Hypnosis Practitioner

  • TIME Techniques Practitioner

  • Emotional Freedom Tapping Practitioner


Hey there!

Welcome & thank you for paying me a visit!

I absolutely love operating in the Life & Leadership Coaching space! Let me tell you a little about how I got here.

I’ve spent 15 years working in talent development & leadership coaching, and I’ve been fortunate to work for some incredible companies (BBC, KPMG & Thomson Reuters). I’ve recently moved back to London, after 4 (dreamy!) years living in New York.

But, re-wind to 6 years ago & my personal life unexpectedly & spectacularly fell apart.

I won’t go into details here, but I’m sure many of you will be able to relate to a personal crisis that comes out of nowhere, completely crushes you & forever alters life as it was.

Now, I affectionately call that situation my ‘life-quake’. Back then, there were a few more expletives! And a tonne of pain, humiliation & grief to work through.

Up until then, I’d prided myself on working hard & having my life together, personally & professionally. I thought that I had a good level of self-awareness, that my life was playing out nicely & that I knew where I was headed. Boy, was I wrong.

One of the hardest parts of my life-quake was the sad realization that I really didn’t know myself very well. I had wonderful family & friends around me, but somehow I had never felt so alone.

On reflection, I began to see that pre-quake, life was just happening to me. I was cruising along, almost on autopilot, doing the things I thought a 30-something should but honestly, I wasn’t actively choosing my path.

I put so much effort into my career & my relationships with others but I had neglected to nurture the relationship with myself. And because my own cup was so lacking, when crisis struck, it completely wiped me out, I felt totally lost & I had to painfully rebuild from ground zero.

There started the beginning of my own journey of self-discovery.

I realized that:

  • Despite the fact I had high emotional intelligence when it came to others, I wasn’t very connected to my own emotions & as a result had very little self-trust

  • Fear was holding me back, at that point I didn’t even know what from because I hadn’t ever given myself the permission to dream the possibilities that I’m living now

  • I spent far too much time & energy worrying about what other people thought of me or would think of me & not enough time figuring out & doing the things I wanted to do

  • Though grateful for & enjoying a successful career, something deep down was missing - a sense of purpose, meaning & contribution

As I tackled my own Inner Work, I had the strongest sense of coming home to myself.

It wasn’t about creating a ‘new’ me, I was learning to reconnect with the long neglected ‘essence’ of me.

This definitely isn’t a fairytale ending & I can’t tell you my life is sparkly & perfect now. It’s not! But what I will say is:

  • I’ve started to make purposeful decisions, guided by my own inner compass, trusting that I have what I need to navigate paths that seemed too thorny before

  • I’ve been brave enough to have tough but needed conversations & as a result, I’ve seen some relationships evolve to new heights & gracefully let go of others to make space for something new

  • I’ve developed resilience & built a much stronger sense of self, so that whatever comes along & may try to knock me off course likely won’t get very far

  • I’ve really fallen in love with the process of ‘becoming’, I enjoy the unknown & I’ve found a new appreciation for the present, living in the now rather than worrying about the past or wondering about the future

Above all, I feel I’m truly LIVING life now rather than just letting it happen to me.

I’m so passionate about supporting people with their own life-quakes, guiding them through The Inner Work & towards a life that’s Fearless & Flourishing. Getting to live out my dreams as a Life & Leadership Coach has given me the purpose I was missing.

I know without a doubt, I’m exactly where I’m meant to be. And I love that I get to guide YOU towards exactly where you’re meant to be too!

Thanks so much for reading & I hope we get the chance to connect soon!

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