Coaching 101

Is Coaching Right for Me?


Great question! And if you’re asking it, then the chances are, most likely YES, coaching is for you!

Coaching could be a great option, if you’re experiencing feelings of:

  • FEAR - of what to do next or what comes next for you

  • FRUSTRATION - about not being able to make decisions

  • BEING STUCK - in a career, relationship or phase of life that just doesn’t feel right

  • DISCONNECTION - from yourself, from others & from your true purpose in your life

More & more people are choosing to embark on journeys of self discovery - developing greater self-awareness and recognizing the powerful connections between what they think, how they feel, how they behave & what results they get in life.

Transformational coaching helps you create your own, unique operating manual & better understand what makes you tick. It arms you with tools so you can look at life with different perspectives & it provides the safe space to experiment as you start to intentionally create the life that you want.

What Will Coaching Do for Me?

If you’re ready for change & are craving more out of life, get ready for coaching benefits like these:  

  • Improve your relationship with the most important person in your life (that’s YOU by the way!)

  • Build your confidence 

  • Ditch your inner critic & imposter syndrome once and for all

  • Replace self-sabotage & self-doubt with self-compassion & self-trust

  • Learn techniques to cultivate positive thoughts & to manage negative emotions

  • Improve your relationships with others

  • View the world from a perspective of possibility 

  • Uncover your purpose, strengths and motivators

  • Consciously create a flourishing life that feels more fulfilled, more joyful & more you!

My Coaching Process

While the content of each coaching session will differ client to client, my process is:


Explore & Learn

Go inwards to develop SELF-AWARENESS

  • Develop a strong sense of connection to who you truly are 

  • Create a picture of your ideal future - without limitations, expectations or comparisons

  • Uncover your true purpose, values & strengths.

Challenge & Re-frame

Dig deep to build SELF-TRUST

  • Unlock the power of your unconscious mind 

  • Identify unhelpful thoughts/ limiting beliefs & learn how to reprogram them

  • Discover & overcome the fears keeping you playing small & feeling stuck


Evolve & Grow

Spring forwards with SELF-COMPASSION

  • Learn to love the process of ‘becoming’ 

  • Design reinforcing habits & experiment with tools to maintain your momentum in the future

  • Be proud for showing up for yourself & having the courage to do The Inner Work

What Will Coaching With You Look Like?


The Inner Work will sometimes feel uncomfortable as we go inwards & let go off what no longer serves us.

As your Coach, expect me to :

  • Coax you out of your comfort zone

  • Ask tough questions & challenge your thinking

  • Support you to create a future filled with possibility

  • Share info, tools & techniques to help you master your mind

  • Hold you accountable for making progress towards your goals & outcomes

But rest assured, we’ll be navigating The Inner Work together with CURIOUSITY, COURAGE & COMPASSION.   

One of the benefits of working with me is that I’ve been in your shoes. I know what it feels like to put in the work & show up for yourself in this way.

I’m your guide on a journey that I’ve been walking for some time. So in the tough moments, I’ll be there to support, motivate & uplift you. And you can bet I’ll be there to celebrate all your progress, your growth & your milestones!

Your Unique Journey

 Bespoke, curated coaching

I take huge pride in crafting unique coaching journeys for each client I work with based on their particular coaching goals, learning style & appetite for knowledge!

You will receive a personalized homework assignment after each session, that may include:

  • Custom affirmations

  • Bespoke journaling prompts 

  • Guided meditation or hypnotherapy recording 

  • Recommended article/ podcast / video to aid your learning

  • Access to exercises, tools & techniques that you can use now & in the future


Are You Ready for a Life that’s Fearless & Flourishing?

The First Steps

If my approach isn’t for you, no hard feelings at all! Coaching is a significant investment of time, energy & of course, money - it needs to be 110% the right decision for you. 

The important thing is that you figure out what the most valuable type of support is for YOU. Take your time, find someone who understands your journey, trust your judgment & more than anything, good luck! I’m so happy that you’re taking the first steps on your journey!  

AND if my approach has got you curious to find out more about me & The Inner Work, that’s great!

I offer all potential clients a free 45 minute Chemistry Call to see if we click! You’ll be able to share more about you, what you’d like to get out of coaching & I’ll be able to share more about me and what to expect.

You’ll never be asked to make a decision then & there. I encourage every potential client to reflect & make the decision that’s best for them.