Transformational Life Coaching


Have You Been Feeling…

  • Stuck in a job or relationship that doesn’t feel right anymore?

  • Disconnected from your authentic self ?

  • Unsure of your true purpose?

  • Lacking in confidence?

  • Unfulfilled?


Coaching Might Be Just What You’re Looking For

Providing the safe space & arming you with the knowledge & tools to:

- REINVIGORATE your relationship with yourself

- RELEASE unhelpful, limiting thoughts & fears

- RESTORE self-trust and self-compassion

- REVEAL your purpose, strengths & values

- REIMAGINE life as it is & create a life that inspires & excites you

At its best, coaching is a deeply powerful & transformative experience.

The FEARLESS & FLOURISHING life you’ve always wanted is waiting for you!

We're not here to fit in. We’re here to be eccentric, different, perhaps strange, perhaps merely to add... our little clunky, chunky selves, to the great mosaic of being. 

We are here to BECOME more & more ourselves.

James Hollis


A Coach then, is your Guide on the journey to becoming.

  • Illuminating the path towards deeper self-awareness, self-trust & self-compassion

  • Sharing the tools to overcome obstacles along the way

  • Recalibrating your inner compass

So when you reach your destination, it’s somewhere you actually want to be!

The Inner Work Approach


Fusing brain science, positive psychology & success coaching, The Inner Work Method empowers you to:

  • Identify & release the FEARS holding you back, keeping you playing small & feeling stuck.

  • Discover how to find & better prioritise meaning & wellbeing in your life. Thrive instead of just survive - FLOURISHING is what it’s all about!


Brain Science & Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) 

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m no science guru, but learning the basics about how our minds work, and how SO much of what we do comes from our unconscious mind has been hugely eye opening for me. Realizing the power of my own thoughts in creating what happens around me, has led to seismic shifts in my life. This is the stuff I wish we had been taught at school!  

Positive Psychology

This fairly recent field of psychology focuses on building mental strength, rather than getting caught up in weaknesses, and discovering the things that make life meaningful. It’s about moving from good to great, from surviving to thriving! Using a range of positive psychology concepts and interventions, my goal is to help you flourish and live out your highest potential!

The Inner Work Coaching Process

  • Explore & Learn

    • Go inwards to build SELF-AWARENESS

    • Better understand the connection between your thoughts, emotions, reactions & results

    • Create a crystal clear picture of your ideal future, without limitations, expectations or comparison

    • Uncover your purpose, values & strengths, the foundations of a life fulfilled

  • Challenge & Reframe

    • Dig deep to nurture SELF-TRUST

    • Understand & unlock the power of your subconscious mind

    • Identify your unhelpful thoughts & learn how to reprogram them to better serve you

    • Discover & overcome the fears keeping you playing small

  • Evolve & Grow

    • Spring forwards with SELF-COMPASSION

    • Learn to love the process of ‘becoming’

    • Equip yourself with reinforcing habits & techniques to maintain your momentum post coaching

    • Celebrate your courage & commitment towards FEARLESS & FLOURISHING

 Coaching Packages

45 minute Chemistry Call

You’ll be able to share more about you & what you’d like to get out of coaching, I’ll share more about what you can expect working with me.

We can see if there’s a good fit & if we click!

It’s your chance to dip your toe in & find out more about coaching, with no pressure to make a decision.


3 Months


Welcome gift
75 min deep dive session
x6 60 min coaching sessions (fortnightly)
Personalized homework assignments
Bespoke journaling prompts
Bespoke affirmations
1 guided meditation or hypnotherapy recording
Access to tools and techniques to use going forwards

6 Months


Welcome gift
DISC personality assessment
120 min deep dive session (including DISC assessment debrief)
x12 60 min coaching sessions (fortnightly)
Personalized homework assignment
Bespoke journaling prompts
Bespoke affirmations
2 guided mediation or hypnotherapy recordings
Access to tools and techniques to use going forwards

The prices above are based on virtual sessions via video call. If you are based in London and would prefer to meet in person, that can be arranged for a slightly different price.

I’m happy to offer flexibility on price for anyone who currently works in the public sector, charity or non profit arena.
Please contact me to have a chat and find out more!