Do You Know Your DISC Style?

Behavioural profiling assessments can sometimes feel a little like Marmite - people seem to either love them or hate them!

Perhaps you’re familiar with the old school classic, the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), or you’ve been sorted by colour with Colour Code, or you may know your Enneagram number. I’ve even been sorted by bird type at a previous employer - apparently I was a cross between a Dove and a Peacock…

Suffice to say, there are a lot of personality profiling models out there. 

And people either love learning what ‘type’ they are and what that means. Or people seem to resent being put into a ‘box’ or labelled as a ‘type’. I’ve even heard personality profiling being referred to as office astrology! 

In my many years working as a HR & Talent Leader, coaching a number of emerging executives, senior leaders and leadership teams, I’ve found profiling models helpful in two fundamental areas:

  1. Building self awareness

  2. Improving communication between different types of people

I’m certified in a number of profiling tools and my favourite to use is always the DISC model. 

DISC is a personality profiling system that measures the intensity of 4 key behavioural traits.

It’s important to say that each of us will display all of these behaviours to varying degrees. But we often lean heavily towards one or two naturally. A DISC assessment helps you to understand how intensely, or not, you express each behavioural trait. 

Equally important to say is that none of these behaviour traits in themselves are good or bad, right or wrong. As with almost everything in life, when we lean too much into anything or overplay something, it can start to become unproductive. 

How we behave and show up in day to day life often feels so instinctive to us, that without taking the time to pause and reflect, we may be less aware of the times when aspects of our personality begin to hinder rather than help us.

DISC allows us to become more aware of our behaviours - to recognise how they serve us and also how they can at times hold us back.

Ultimately it’s a tool to develop a greater sense of self-awareness which will inevitably improve the ways we communicate. I’ve seen it support people to get the best out of themselves and those around them.

I’m pleased to share that I am now offering a DISC Assessment & Debrief Coaching Session package.

This is a great opportunity to take the DISC assessment, receive your individual DISC report and make use of a 75 minute coaching session where I will guide you through your assessment results, help you to identify your strengths and potential blindspots and carve out some tangible actions based on what you would like to focus in on.

The regular price for this package (DISC assessment + DISC report + coaching session) will be £149. 00.

If you purchase your package in April, you can benefit from an exclusive launch price of £99.00.

Please email me directly for more info and to book your package -


You Are What You Think