‘New Year, New You’? Here’s why I don’t think so.

You are worthy of a New Year, without a New You.
— Emily Pearl

I don't know about you, but all the 'New Year, New You' messages tend to drive me a little crazy! Don't get me wrong, I love the energy and enthusiasm but for me, the message is slightly off kilter.

One of my friends shared a beautiful message yesterday that read, 'You are worthy of a New Year, without a New You', & I couldn't agree more.

I do love the New Year for the sense of fresh energy and the opportunity to make intentions for the year ahead. And there may absolutely be things we want to change about ourself or our life.

Change doesn't need to mean a complete overhaul or a 'new you'. And it certainly doesn't mean forcing out some resolutions just because you think you 'should'.

Take the time to rediscover and reconnect with the person you already are but perhaps haven't been in touch with recently.

And then, tweak the things that might not be working for you or holding you back.

You don't need to become a new person or a new version of you because, as cheesy as it sounds, I believe we are all worthy, just as we are.

That's why my signature group coaching programme, 4 Weeks to Fearless & Flourishing, is all about developing a deeper sense of self awareness and reconnecting back to your true self.

Even if your true self feels very far away right now, I promise it is there.

Most of us just tend to need to do some work to find the way back to who we really are and what we really want.

I'm so passionate & proud of this coaching programme because it was inspired by my own experiences.

6 years ago I started my own journey of self-discovery. (You can read more about the whys and wherefores on my About page).

But essentially, external circumstances forced a few tough realizations:

  • I spent far too much time & energy worrying about what other people thought of me or would think of me & not enough time figuring out & actually doing the things I wanted to do

  • Despite the fact I had pretty high emotional intelligence when it came to others, I wasn’t very connected to my own emotions & as a result had very little self-trust

  • Fear was holding me back in all sort of ways, at that point I didn’t even know what from because I hadn’t ever given myself the permission to dream the possibilities that I’m living now

  • Though grateful for & enjoying a successful career, something deep down was missing - a sense of purpose, meaning & contribution. I felt like I was just about surviving, but nowhere near thriving.

As I tackled my own Inner Work, I had the strongest sense of coming home to myself.

It wasn’t about creating a ‘new’ me, I was learning to reconnect with the long neglected ‘essence’ of me. My true self.

My signature group coaching programme, 4 Weeks to Fearless & Flourishing , will take a small group of you through a 4 week journey that will strengthen your connection to your true self, reframe your fears and increase your sense of wellbeing.

  • Week 1 (90 mins) - Demystifying the Mind

  • Week 2 (60 mins) - Facing Fear

  • Week 3 (60 mins) - Finding Flourishing

  • Week 4 (60 mins) - Reflection & Integration

If you want to start 2022 with this journey, I would love to have you come along! Please contact me here .




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